Wednesday 12 October 2011

Rumour mill

"... murderer is highly dangerous... caution... away... soon caught... mage of dark power..."

The rumour-mill was working overtime. They thought one thing, then said another - working against each other without realising, mostly.

It made it spectacularly easy to ghost into the shadows after a job. Leaving behind 'evidence' was another thing entirely, but it wasn't impossible. 

Tuesday 11 October 2011


Today was a death day.
No honour is found in murder. I see that now. Clearly, like the eagle spies his prey.
They were innocent. The wrong village, at the wrong time - who saw the wrong people and the evil actions they had committed.
Who were we to decide on their death?
I can't imagine
Orders. We were told, forced, to kill any witnesses. We did it without questioning. It's the same as agreeing.
What happens when one takes a life?
I imagine a part of myself is taken too. They latch on, desperate to hold onto life, no matter the cost.
What I need to ackowledge is that I paid their price; and gladly!
I want to give back what I took, but I cannot. I try.

Massacre at Greenfields

The riders were well equipped to conquer the farming valley at the southern end of the penninsula, master. You are only days away from cutting off their supply chain. Victory is assured.
- Vis

Vis, new orders: Cease the assault. Do not engage in close-quarters melee. Encircle the valley entry and do not give leave for any to pass your lines. Await further orders by trusted courier.
- L

Lord, disastrous news. Your orders were not received in time for the final assault to disengage. The defenders held resistance, the men took offence and showed extreme prejudice in who lived and died. It was a massacre, lord. I'm sorry. We shall hold the field and ensure the goods are dealt with in a timely manner.
- Vis

You have failed me.
- L

Wednesday 21 September 2011


I see the red, painting a picture of glory on a backdrop of victory.

There's nothing more beautiful than this scene depicted before me. The bodies dangle in such ways as to delight the mind... tease the senses, almost like a feather caressing my skin.

Do this for us, disciple, and you shall have the most glorious death - to be seated at the right hand of our goddess for all of eternity.

They told me what they thought I wanted to hear.
Glory, eternal life.

I wanted none of that.

I only wanted...

My blade slices their skin. My hands pummel their flesh.

Pale, bright, dark, pulsing, screaming, laughter.

Glory, pain, humiliation, death, love, hate.

I revel in it. It is mine.

I take from them, they give to me, I take it with pleasure and I revel in everything.
The red paints me now. It painted them and now it paints me. It captures me at the crowning moment, the glorious, and it is glorious though I never wanted it... the moment is here.

It passes. Too quick, it was gone. Yet I thought, think and yet will think again... it was worth it.




Tuesday 16 August 2011

Rough handling of tough subjects

There's a distinct paucity of information when it comes to learning where merchants buy their goods. The dock workers have seemingly closed ranks against any and all attempts to find information. Their camaraderie would, in peace time, have been congratulated and possibly rewarded in some way. However, I feel that their lack of compliance in the face of a major national investigation into the source of certain illegal wares requires a certain kind of punishment be acted out.

Tomorrow, we will be implementing a policy of "guilty until proven innocent" in cases directly influencing the Illegal Wares investigation. This should prove how serious the Guard is about finding the culprits behind this sudden influx of substances we do not, under any situation, condone the use of.

- Wil

Saturday 30 July 2011

Custodes Sanguis III

Re.LR.0 Venia 40

The regency has finally been approved, we have a new leader. We've had our worries, for weeks now, that the Lord Regent is in terrible danger, even before today's announcement - and we have no idea where this threat comes from.

I shall check our own ranks, traitors abound in this realm.

Aldae's mother is still a permanent resident in the dungeon - and still raving mad. It seems that she has finally come to the realisation that she killed her own son. She mourns, I am told. Hypocritical bitch. Whoever she works for is trying to plunge our realm into anarchy. We can only assume it is the Raevans' doing, however they are unusually silent.

There is a chance that a third player has joined the game.

Custodes Sanguis II

Al.II.22 Venia 14

It's taken much longer than anticipated to gather the men I needed, but it is done. I have men loyal to our cause, right from the day they took their oaths - though none knew it.

Every one of us is sworn to protect the realm, not the ruler. We are now guardians of the land and its peoples. We are the Keepers of the Blood.

Though history will look at us as traitors, shun us as rebels and instigators, we alone shall know that our actions have saved our land - time after time again. Some will eventually see us for what we were: